The Khotaveng monastery. Kalbajar District.

Karabakh in the Middle Ages

Gasim Hajiyev

Doctor of History

4-7th centuries

The territory of the Caucasian Albania in the 4-7th centuries was enormous. it covered lands from the greater Caucasus in the north to the confluence of the Kura and Aras rivers in the south, from the Caspian Sea in the east to İberia in the west.


Images on pottery found in Baku


Doctor of History, Professor

Pottery, which originates from the late Stone Age, has ancient roots and is one of the mass industries, has passed a path of development that is thousands of years long and has become one of the mass production spheres turning from one form into another. The city of Baku, which is rich in necessary fuel, water and clay suitable for making items of pottery, is one of the main centers of pottery.


Azerbaijan’s diplomatic representative in Georgia was authorized to hold talks and sign documents on behalf of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic’s government. The Kavkazskoye Slovo (“Caucasus word”) newspaper reported in its issue released on August 4, 1918 that the Azerbaijani government had vested general oversight over the work of Azerbaijani diplomats accredited in various government agencies of the Republic of Georgia in diplomatic representative Mammad Yusif Jafarov

Azerbaijani emigration and Caucasus project of Western powers during “Phoney War” (1939-1940)

The Caucasus issue unexpectedly took center stage in  the  agenda  of  the  French  and  British  governments in the second half of 1939 and the first half of 1940.  Wehrmacht’s  crushing  victory  over  Poland  in September 1939 and the ensuing division of the country between Germany and the Soviet Union in accordance with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which was concluded on August 23, had a shock effect in Paris and London.